You Brightened My Life
Happy 18th Birthday Little Belle! Even though you are not here physically, me and all your friends all over the world celebrate you (and Irene) today. I want you to know that you truly brought sunshine to my life. Just looking at your beautiful face and reading all about your adventures made me smile and my heart sing. Even with living in different countries and thousands of miles apart, you had an impact on my life, and truly are an inspiration. With all the hardships that you went through in the first 12 years of your life, you still were able to learn to trust, love and live life again to the fullest with the love of family and friends. It is by the grace of God that your mom Irene rescued you. And I truly believe that you were meant to be together so that you could share your love story with others all over the world. It’s a story that teaches us strength, caring, compassion, kindness, unconditional love, and to never take life for granted. This story also is an example, whether dog (animal) or human, how everyone should be treated. I think my favorite quote of yours is “we don’t need eyes to see, everything important is embedded in our hearts”. You are forever embedded in my heart Belle. You brightened my life, and I am forever grateful that our paths crossed. Thank you for sharing your life and story with us. I Miss and Love you Little Belle, and I know that you are watching over all of us. ~ Lori Trainor
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