Stefan is home!
Yesterday, Friday, February 19th, Stefan arrived at our home, his forever family! It was in already in the evening when he arrived, so we met each other in the horse stable, there we had light and warmth. The first meeting went very well, everyone was very gentle and was exploring the new situation on their own
My second oil painting is ready!
Yes, Irene completed my second oil painting! I remember when the picture was made, in May last year. It was nice weather and I was enjoying the warm sunshine and all the amazing nature around me; the long green grass and the yellow buttercups. Although I couldn’t see their colors, I was immersed in all
Meet our new friend Stefan!
On facebook I promised yesterday that I have very special news… and this beautiful strong little guy will be joining our family soon! ♥ Normally we wouldn’t adopt another dog so quickly after Twix, but Irene already saw Stefan in early November last year and a while ago we suddenly received a message that he was
A wonder dog…
Yes, I am definitely a wonder dog! Today I had my annual blood test and in the picture you can see me waiting in the car until we were leaving (then I am sitting in my travel bag at a safe place) . And I have very good news for you, all my blood values