Loving our little warrior
Little Belle was the warrior that made me also fight for things. I came to love the relatiknship between you, Irene , and sweet Little Belle. She so enjoyed life. You could see it in all of the pictures. All pictures of you and Little Belle are my favorites as are all the pictures of
Beautiful Little Belle
Irene, your tribute to Little Belle was so loving and beautiful. I thank you for rescuing Little Belle, I thank you for sharing her with us all and thank you for allowing me to be part of your beautiful family. The painting is everything she loved and it is very beautiful indeed. She will always
Zoveel liefde
Elke dag las ik met heel veel plezier op fb de avonturen van little belle en irene en de rest van de familie wat zij mij geleerd heeft dat niks in het leven belangrijker is dan liefde voor elkaar dit zag je op alle foto’s terugkomen zoveel veel liefde voor elkaar….???mis belle nog elke dag….?
Native Legend
The rainbow bridge Native American Legend There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of Rainbow Bridge is a special land. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to

Beautiful love
Your love is endless and beautiful and this picture is my favorite because it speaks a thousand words without saying a word. God speed little Belle. Thank you Irene for showing people how amazing it is to adopt a fur baby. There are so fur babies/angels in need right now all over the world.
Inspirational Little Belle
Little Belle has inspired me profoundly and taught me so much. As the mom of many elderly and special needs animals, it is easy to focus on the intense fear of losing them, the pain, and illnesses. Little Belle taught me to cherish every single moment together, and to let that be more important than

My sweet Little Belle
I remember the first time I saw you on Facebook. You stole my heart. When I was having a bad day, I would read one of your statements. You helped me make the decision to adopt a did, which I did….Shawnee Boy. He has the same coloring & heart as you did. We love each

Lieve Little Belle ??
Little Belle Toen ik voor het eerst kennis maakte met jouw mooie FB pagina had je al zoveel ellende in je leven gehad. Ik las hoe Irene je gered heeft na een hele nare 12 jaar. Je stal gelijk mijn hart toen ik las wat je allemaal had meegemaakt en later hier bij Irene ook.
miss you
Belle, you were an inspiration to all and will be truly missed. Your spirit will continue on and you will always be remembered. xo Margaret Huskins
Lil Belle you are an inspiration though you are no longer here with us! You will continue to inspire me and my family to live life to its fullest! The way you approached life with love, compassion and fun! Take each day and show kindness to tbose around you! My grandchildren know you as the