Why we both had to let go…
Dear friends, I know that many of you are wondering why we had to let go our dearly beloved Belle. Although we knew the day was coming, it still happened very suddenly. Today it’s 3 weeks ago that Belle passed away and the past weeks, I wasn’t able to write about the reason why
To Little Belle❤️
Little Belle encouraged many people around the world see beauty in everyday things. She was a symbol of love and hope to all of us. Now, she lives on in the many lives she touched. We will all love her forever.

Little Angel
Dear Irene, Little Belle and you have taught us a lot. Both of you have made the world become so small. You have brought thousand and thousand of people around the world together to learn how to love the unfortunate and disabled, to understand what is unconditional love, and how to express more love to
Now and Always
Even though she is not there with her physical presence Little Belle is always there with you Irene. In your mind and in your memories of her. In everything you do.. With her courage and her brave warrior fighting spirit. She loved you — and still does love you very much. She is there with
Little Belle – angel of trust
… after everything Little Belle found someone to trust and she gave all of herself, thats all she ever wanted, the one person to love who loved her…after everything Irene you found her, she found you and she felt complete. Her life became all she dreamed it could be. Little Belle will always remind me
In your hearts
sweet Irene we have followed you and little belle and to be honest we could not pick out a picture they are all so sweet we know how hard it is to let a love one cross the rainbow bridge. while we know that they are happy and whole we still miss them

Little Belle
Little Belle, I have loved each and every one of your posts. I am so glad that you and Irene found each other and that you were so nurtured and loved after the rough start you had in life. One thing I have learned from you is to be strong and never give up. I

Dear Irene, I have been trying to find the right word or words that describe how deeply you and Little Belle were bonded. I believe that word is Namaste. How could it not be? Your two souls were countries apart, but just waiting for the very right moment to come together. In hindsight, did you

Un Angelito
Un angelito que Dios nos envio desde el cielo para que nosotros los humanos aprendamos en amor a la vida, a la fortaleza, a no darnos por vencidos en la adversidad. Un su paso por nuestras vidas nos enseño lo mas hermoso de la vida. Todos los que conocimos la historia de Little Belle pudimos