Always Hope
Little Belle you have given me hope in humanity, you kept going through all those years of mis treatment knowing deep down that Irene was out there to give you love and show you the world is a wonderful place. You suffered so badly throughout those years but had the strength in your heart to keep going, digging deep when you lost your eyesight knowing the sun would shine on you Little Belle and the sea would glisten for you. You will shine for ever in so many hearts and your legacy will help more doggies who find themselves in abusive homes. They thank you Little Belle ❤️?❤️
My photo choice shows the love that you had between you and Irene. Total trust and absolute adoration. You found each other and will live on in each other’s hearts forever until you are together again.
Love always
Amanda ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Happy Birthday to You Irene and a massive Happy Birthday to Little Belle over the Rainbow Bridge – Belle means a lot to me as she proved that cruelness can be overcome with the LOVE that came from her heart to beat in Irene’s. I love the pictures of Belle walking through the middle of the Tulip fields – She always described the colours by her sense of smell. She proved that you didn’t need sight to see – just smell & touch helped her describe her surroundings. I would like to say to Belle
“THANK YOU for letting not only me but the rest of the world be a part of you & your families lives” You have had such a powerful journey and a very bumpy ride but you pulled through and fought to the end. You are still a true WARRIOR PRINCESS in my eyes and may you go on to reign in the land that is RAINBOW BRIDGE..You will always be a part of my life. Take care Little one….xx xx xx