Dear Belle…

Dear Belle,

Today it’s already 4 weeks ago that we had to let you go… They say time flies, but for me, it still feels like yesterday.
I would like to share something with you. Of course you already know…, but still, I like to write to you. For the very first time in years, we went to the beach without you. Your special magical place. Our place.
First, I wanted to go alone, to be able to feel you by the sea. But somehow I was so nervous that I almost didn’t dare to go. At one moment, I felt it would be good to bring Emi with me, one of your best friends and dear sister. Then we could help each other. When I was leaving our house Jessie looked at me with an expression that told me she also wanted to join us. So, there we went, the three of us…. Or were we with four?
And there we were, standing on the beach, looking out over the sea. Jessie standing by my side, Emi standing on the other side. Tears were running down my face. My heart aching so deeply.


There was something different about the view, on the horizon a long thick white stripe was visible, in the entire length of the same thickness. Above it the sky was dark. And higher in the sky, a light appeared through the clouds.
I held your little sculpture in the air, seeing all the forms and shapes around and behind you. I realized that the white stripe was like the fog I was feeling in my head and the darkness of the sky resembled the deep pain in my heart. And then there is the light. The light of the heart and soul that shines. Yours and mine. There is always the light, right Belle? Always connected.
You taught me so much, you still do, and you always will.


We found a nice spot to sit down together. As I ran my fingers through the sand, felt the warm grains sliding over and under my hands I thought about how much you liked the feeling of the sand under your paws. You were always so happy the minute you felt it. Oh and the smell, you knew instantly where we were the moment I opened the door of our car.


With my hands I formed a heart shape in the sand and wrote your name in it. I was wondering if you could see us. Normally, Jessie and Emi would walk a lot and explore, but this time they stayed very close to me. It was so special. Jessie lay in front of the heart, on the lookout. Emi at the side, very close to you, her eyes closed. I put your sculpture in the heart. Although I can feel you more and more, it felt good to look at you.


Emi looked at you as well, very intensely, trying to comprehend what she saw and felt.


Then Jessie approached from the other side and both reached out to you and smelled your presence, without touching your name. Such a magical moment. Your sign.


You were there. You are here.
What a gift ♥

Your Irene, always ♥



  • Maria van den Brink

    So very, very, very beautiful. She will always be with you and her brothers and sisters!. This really was a sign from that so very special precious girl from heaven. Love you!

  • Randy

    Wonderful moments what special friends and love you all have for each other

  • Françoise

    Yesn Mum Irene, Belle was there and will always be with you, wherever you go, always she will be at your side and in your heart. I feeled as if I was there with you 4. Love you all so much

  • Van Der Eecken Nancy

    Dit is het ultieme bewijs dat Belleke steeds bij je is . Ik heb geen woorden om te beschrijven hoe ik me voel door je mooie oprechte brief te lezen en de foto’s van het hart voor Belleke . Ben nogmaals diep ontroerd . Ik stuur je alle kracht om te verwerken . X

  • Pam Parkinson

    Wow Irene your pain and words touch my soul every time I read what you are feeling and writing with everything I am I send you all my love and hugs I know this don’t seem much but it’s all I have to give to try and help you heal even if it’s just a little.I realy do prayer that your heart will let you remember you sweet Belle and you can smile and maybe laugh at her memories once again,my love and hugs are yours until then.??❤❤❤

  • Deb

    There are no words to be said Irene. You described that wonderous visit perfectly. ????
    Belle will ALWAYS be with you.

  • Amanda

    Very touching made me cry. She is missed by all throughout the world. Rip baby belle.

  • Anneke Bruil-Lindeman

    What a beautiful letter and a very special moment on the beach with Emi and Jesse.
    Yes Belle was there and Emi and Jessie felt her also, just as you did.
    Your Little Belle will always be with you, really she is. She is in your heart and mind and also on your side, although you can’t see her. Bit i think you know that.
    I have wrote this time in english, so i hope i made not much mistakes..

    Big hugs

  • Hermien

    Wat een bijzondere ervaring! Hopelijk geeft die ervaring je wat meer rust…Ik ben er van overtuigd dat dieren meer aanvoelen dan wij weten! Dat blijkt wel uit het gedrag van Emi en Jessie.Liefs voor jou en jouw lieve hondjes.

  • Paula Barham

    oh Irene ,so beautiful,lots of love xxx

  • Katy

    They are always there with us, Irene. I know, I have “seen” my own after they have gone. The grief is so hard for us, because we love them more than we can explain. They are our babies, our children, best friends, and when they leave – it is not for us to take care of them anymore – in this life. That hurts. Your dogs can most likely sense Belle very well, I am sure she was with you all today. And tonight and tomorrow. I can feel your pain and grief not only because I have lost so many of my furchildren, but because you express it so much and with so much sorrow. Thinking of you, many times every day. <3

  • Kris Nicolai

    Lieve Irene….
    Ben net thuis van onze avondwandeling met Happy – als ‘t warm(er) wordt, lopen we vrij laat ons blokje om !!???
    Ik vertelde haar, dat Little Belle nu al 4 weken samen met Moppie, en heel veel andere hondjes heel gelukkig is, maar soms toch ook ons mist…..
    En…..Kijk….Kleine Lieve Schat Little Belle deed ‘t weer ……
    Ze gaf je ‘n teken van over de Regenboogbrug. Ze ziet en voelt jouw tranen en verdriet, en ze wil je zo graag laten weten dat ‘t haar goed gaat…… Je Kleine Meid vindt ‘t geweldig dat je haar op dat speciale plekje op ‘t strand herdenkt, samen met Emi & Jessie…..Daar op ‘t strand, waar jij enkele weken nog,voor Belleke ‘n schelpenhartje in ‘t zand maakte….
    ‘t Moet je ongetwijfeld kippenvel bezorgd hebben hoe zij 2 aan Belleke’s hartje gingen snuffelen… hun manier,van herinneren , afscheid nemen – enorm aandoenlijk ???. Dieren hebben weldegelijk diepe gevoelens…
    ⭐️Sterretje Little Belle zal voor altijd bij jou zijn, in je hart, en ook in onze harten wonen ???

  • Diana

    What a very special day at the beach, magical

    Yes, Belle was there with you, no doubt.

  • Ellen

    Just a beautiful sign that Belle was still with you. I cry for you because I know your pain. Stay strong Irene. You have so much to do.

  • Carla

    Dogs are such amazing intuitive animals. They know exactly how you are feeling because they feel it too. That’s why we grieve for them so much and so long. I am missing my sweet beautiful Maddie who passed on April 30. I cry every day for all the things we are missing.

  • J Talbot

    There are no words that can comfort someone after the loss of a dog. However plenty of people recognize the pain. I too feel pain after losing
    my dog 5 years ago. Belle was an angel. X

  • Lenie

    Wat mooi om te lezen…
    Dank je wel Irene voor het delen…

  • Betsy

    Oh wow, that is some powerful stuff. Knowing you could feel her presence as well as her friends knowing. God helps you heal in mysterious ways. ❤️❤️❤️

  • Grietje

    Een hele mooie brief. Dankje dat we dat mogen lezen ❤

  • Leny Duister

    Wat een mooie ervaring .?
    Dit mooie moment nemen ze jullie niet meer af .
    Sterkte verder ❤️

  • Diana oosenbrug

    Wat een mooie lieve hartverwarmende ontroerend brief heb het niet droog kunnen houden bij het lezen ervan ook de foto’s zijn echt hartverwarmend mijn hart is bij jou irene….❤?

  • Terrie

    Beautiful! My heart brakes for you. Belle will always be with you. Im afraid it will never go away, i lost our girl 4 yrs ago, and people can say im crazy but i talk to her every day and i still cry over her. I have 2 other girls now & love them just as much but will never forget my Jackie girl. May God bless you & comfort you.

  • Andrea Shuck

    Truly beautiful!!! You have so much love around you and Little Belle’s siblings!!! ???????

  • Linda Dieter

    Emi and Jessie knew they were going to be with their sister. They also feel your pain, Irene. They wanted to be with you to comfort you. They are missing Little Belle, too! little Belle will never leave you dear Irene! This day was a gift to you. A gift of love from your Angel Belle. Her love will be with you forever???

  • Elsie

    Beautiful !! Your Belle is always with you.There are so many special memories that will help you through this very sad and difficult time . She touched so many lives and filled so many hearts ♥️ With love and joy . Thank you for sharing your sweet and precious Belle with so many people . Sending you prayers and healing thoughts . ??

  • Ethel Dossett

    Little Belle taught me so much. She showed me there is always hope and strength. Her love surrounds you and she is still my hero.

  • Astrid

    Lieve Irene, ook al volg ik jou nog heel kort, je verhalen raken me diep. Ik heb zelf ook twee senioren kneusjes thuis (ex-asielkatten); bij het idee alleen al om afscheid van ze te moeten nemen komen de tranen. Laat staan als het moment echt daar is ?. Ik heb ontzettend veel bewondering voor wat je voor Bella en de andere dieren doet. En ik geloof er echt in dat al dat goeds weer bij je terecht komt. Dikke knuffel uit Amsterdam ❤️.

  • Diane

    I have hesitated to comment before now as my own pain is so deep. I lost my best friend, my love, my soulmate over 7 months ago and I am still wandering in darkness. I am so sorry for your loss of Little Belle but I am convinced by all I have read that she is with you always. She watches over you and the rest of the family always and forever until you meet again. With much love XOXOXO Thank you for your beautiful letter. It has helped me.

  • Frieda Pfeil

    De kracht van Little Belle zal nooit verdwijnen…………………..
    Voor altijd in mijn <3

  • Michelle

    The world cries with you Irene. We all feel the loss of such a beautiful star. She’s still with us in a new, more powerful way. She gives signs she is still with you. I know she wouldn’t want you to hurt.

  • Tami Paterala

    Sweet Irene, thank you for sharing such a private time with us. Belle was and still is a beautiful part of life, teaching and guiding those who loved her. Emi and Jessie are an extension of that beauty. I know this must have been a very difficult thing to do but Belle was right there with you….showing you the way to do it. She is the light in the sky, the rainbow after the storm and warmth in your heart. As always, your words touch my soul! I will be forever blessed for what I have learned from your Little Belle and I thank you for continuing to share her with us. My you feel the comfort of our dear Lord as he wraps you in his arms. You are one of a kind Irene and I pray for you, Robert and your fur family daily. God Bless.

  • Sherry Kimbrow

    Beautiful – thank you for sharing this with us. Emi and Jessie wanted to be with you because they knew Little Belle was there also. They felt her and wanted to comfort you. Let them help you heal. The pain will never go away but the happy memories will make the pain seem less. Give some of the love you had for Little Belle to your other babies. They need you also. Much love and many hugs.

  • Irene Huntley

    So Beautiful Irene , your Magical time on the Beach with Emi, Little Belles Best Friend and Jesse a Special Friend to Belle Also ,an You Dear Sweet Mom Irene , all together with Precious Little Belle Too. So Happy You could be on the Beach,,Our Belles Magical Place to Be with Her Little Necklace an Lovely Sculpture of Little Belle. I’m going to Order 1 For Myself Soon. Another Very Special Rememberance of Our Love Warrior. She’ll be in Your Heart Forever Mom Irene and With All her Friends Too…. I know Your Heart is Still Breaking Irene ! Each Day You See More Signs of Belles love of You .. And So MANY Beautiful Memories of Your Fabulous Times Spent Together and Always. Love to All of You an God Bless You All, . My Tears fall down my Faces everyday Missing Precious Belle and Just So Thankful You Irene Can Keep Sharing this Special Little Angel with All Of Us .Her Spirit Shines Brightly in the Sky Bt the Water and in My Heart Always Too… .Shell Constantly Be there for You and Your Family and This Whole World Around Us ..Little Belle will be Smiling Watching over You Irene and Her Friends knowing your at the Beach With Her Just Now TOO. ❣❤️????????????xoxoxoxo

  • Mary Ann White

    This letter is so beautiful I know it made Little Belle so happy to see you all at the beach feeling her presence and her love.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Much love always,
    Mary Ann

  • Gabriella Kispal

    You and Little Belle are real angels ?!
    You are always going to be together!
    We miss her and can not bear your pain!
    We feel your grief!
    But don’t forget! Little Belle was so happy with you and she is there for you to keep this happiness forever!
    With all my heart ❤️

  • Poi Poh Wong

    Wow, such touching, Irene ! Emi and Jessie did ( and do ) have the feeling that where you were ( and are ) going… It’s a sign from Belle to tell you that you should bring them along to one of her favourite places. Belle was there to see you all her dearest mom, Irene and her dearest friends, Emi and Jessie. Dogs do have feeling. Whenever one out of four doggies of mine was sick, the other three acted differently. They acted good without disturbing their sick sibling. It’s amazing. And Irene, I know it’s really very hard for you to stop grieving over Belle but please try. I hope one day, time does really can heal the wound in your heart. Take care, Irene. XXX ❤ from Poi Poh Wong.

  • Theresa A Oswald

    Irene, I still feel your pain deep in my heart. I cry every time I think of Little Belle. Your love for your little girl is still so visible. I pray someday in time your broken heart will mend a little. Thinking of you and Little Belle always.

  • RevaRevaReva

    I feel certain the light in the sky was Little Belle’s spirit letting you know that her light will overcome the darkness. I’m sure Emi and Jessie sensed your sadness and stayed close to offer comfort. They also probably felt the void left by LIttle Belle, in a place where you always went together. I am glad you were not alone, but had Jessie and Emi there to not only share in your sorrow but also to remind you that life goes on and you are not alone.

  • Darlene CarruthersDarlene

    There are no words for your words, nor for the pain in your heart, but I can “feel” that love…in every word, in every act and in who you are….you and Little Belle have touched so many thousands around the world and I know that you will continue to do so…because that is who Belle continues to be and who you will always be…special beyond mere words….My heart is with you, Darlene

  • Jennifer McClure

    Oh my goodness… Irene, you have a very special way with words! It’s hard to write this…my eyes are blurry with tears! Tears for you and your love for Belle! I am praying for you, Irene. Thank you for sharing such a sweet and personal letter.

  • Elaine Meredith

    Dear Irene, such a beautiful moment. I really believe that Belle saw the sky thru your eyes, felt the sand thru your fingers, smelled the ocean thru your nose, and felt the love of her bet friends as well. Keep going to the places the two of you loved.. she can now experience them thru you, and you will feel her as well. The connection the two of you had will never be broken, the love will be forever.

  • Berna

    Thank you soooooooooooo much. The connection feels so good and is at the same time overwhelming ? All dogs are special. I have 2 dogs myself and have been and still am foster mama for many many dogs. The love and gratitude from every beautiful dog is special and no words can describe how complete our life is because of them.

  • Juana Ragulen

    I too can’t seem to move forward completely. It’s been 6 weeks/2days since loosing our beloved Ebonee. Just 5 month’s prior to the day, I lost my brother, my only sibling, also to cancer. In my heart I know they are together and that gives me comfort. I too write to them, notes, letters, or just simple thought. I miss my baby girl so very much and wish I could have had more precious moments with her. Our Buddy, her big brother, still misses her. I wish I could tell you it gets better, I’m managing better with each passing day but I still feel the loss. I don’t want to sadden you any further, I just want you to know I understand and I support you. Sending you and your family prayers and understanding love.
    Facebook: Armonia BrownBear

  • Jackie Gallagher

    Your words are so moving and really come from such a deep part of your soul Irene. It truly was a very magical letter you wrote to Little Belle, the sky shining in a way that she did. Your special heart drawn in the sand with her little figure in the middle and the dogs approach really makes it feel like she was there. I am happy she is sending you signs that she is ok and is always with you, still deeply bonded and connected. My heart goes out to you and Thank you for sharing this Special Letter and story??????

  • Rona

    So beautiful. I’m sure Little Belle is so happy looking down at you from heaven. ?

  • Lucille

    How could anyone think that Belle wasn’t there? Looking at her siblings looking so closely at her statue and not stepping on the heart with Belle’s name in it was a miracle and magical. Belle sure had a great way making her presence known. Just beautiful, Irene. xo

  • Yuri

    Beautiful Irene!!! I told you Little Belle is with you…
    Thank you for sharing this precious words and moments, I love to see Little Belle siblings…what a magical sign from your sweet Little Belle…

  • Alaine Oconnot

    You’re still with each of us for eternity. You made such a special mark on this world. Such a special gift❤

  • Letty Dominguez

    This was so beautiful Irene thanks 4 sharing

  • Angela

    Precious Belle will always be with you,sometimes you will feel her presence more than others but she will always be with you,how could she not?you have an unbreakable bond that will still exist long as your love lasts which is forever.

  • Maria. Roberts

    Dear Irene,
    Tears are pouring from my eyes while reading this, I know how difficult it must be for you without you little Belle, I lost my bet friend, my companion and the most precious little man, my Jasper (yorkshire terrier) l loved him and he loved me for 15 yeas, I had to help him pass just 13 days after his 15th birthday he had heart failure on June 2nd 2016.
    I don’t think the sadness ever goes away we just lear to live with it, we have to remember our little furbabies are still with us, just in a different way.
    Take time to grieve, remember all the love you and Belle gave to each other.

    Maria (Jaspers mum)

  • Doris

    Dear Irene.
    Such beautiful thoughts and feeling. Thank you for sharing them
    You should know that Little Bell is with you all the time.
    Little Belle`s Angel Spirit was with you at the beach. She still Loves it.
    I know its very hard, you can not get over the Love that You and Belle had. She still Loves you.
    You are in My Thoughts and Prayers
    Love to you always
    <3 <3 <3 <3

  • HelgaaHelgaHelga

    She touched your soul and those of Emi and Jessi, just to let you know she is always with you. Thank you for sharing Irene, this is so special!

  • Elissa Foster

    Such a beautiful day you had with your babies and sweet Belle’s spirit was there. Stay strong Irene. You are an amazing woman, and your bond with Belle is everlasting.

  • Tommie Hopkins

    So sweet and heartfelt.

  • Emma Collins

    Such beautiful photos, such beautiful words. Tears pouring down my face as I type this reply. My heart is breaking for you as you share your pain with us. I count it a privilege to be a part of this group, so many people spanning the globe united in the love you share. No matter where we are, whatever country we live in, we are all under the same sky, the same heaven, Belle’s place of peace. With my love to you always Irene. Emma. ?

  • Cliff Pettus

    That was such a special letter. You were right, there were four of you there. Where ever you go Belle will be with you.

    I hope you don’t think me too bold to offer this link to this poem, but it says it all.

    With my deepest sympathy,,Cliff

  • Anna Disco

    The tears just welled up in my eyes Irene when I saw both Emi and Jessie smelling your Little Belle’s sculpture inside the heart….
    LOVE….pure love…and KNOWING…animals are such SENTIENT beings aren’t they?

    Your Little Belle taught us all so much about FEELINGS.

    Thank you for sharing this intimate moment with us, Irene.

    Much love,
    Anna D.

  • Jedda Hingston

    So very special for you, Irene. I think it was also a special moment for Emi and Jessie. They could feel her presence. Little Belle will continue to watch over all of you. Love, Jedda.

  • Joanna

    Yes, always and forever, a thread of lasting LOVE will connect you ….

  • Debbie

    Reading this I feel like I knew Belle and she is in my heart. I can’t wait for you to write a book about her. I want to be sure and get it. Thank you for sharing Belle with all of us! God bless you!

  • Mike Robertson

    Thank you for sharing Little Belle, you are deeply loved and missed by all who knew you, even those like me who never knew you till later. You have blessed so many lives! I love you and miss you, even though I never knew you while you were alive. You are very special and loved by all who knew you, even those like me miles away and years apart

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