Category: Geen categorie

Love to you all

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X says all I want to say, Vita. Read More

Little Belle taught me…

To never give up Read More

Little Belle

  • ???????My Dearest Belle , As I Already wished you a Happy Birthday and wrote a post for you I will continue it with what I feel..I feel love ? from the moment I Saw your beautiful face, I felt it inside that special feeling you Keep me going, after my Haley, you give me strength, because you are such a warrior, a fighter, I could not have survived without you, you are the meaning of the word Love, it’s my honor to have met you and Irene. She is the meaning of Love also, she Loves with her whole?, like I do, with my Haley, she I say is too, my world, because when you meet that special someone they touch your heart furever.So I not only say Happy Birthday again but thank you, without you, I just don’t know if I would have had the strength ..I Love the picture of you looking out into the sea from behind, your taking all of life in, with all your senses, your thinking what a wonderful world this is I believe, I love when you say, I am a warrior, I believe you mean too that you are a warrior of Love, you have so much to give, your heart is full. That’s why I hope you keep your page up, you always had something of beauty to say, of the simplest things in life we take for granted, you made me appreciate life more My Little Belle???

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Little Belle’s 18 birthday and Irene Birthday

Happy Birthday to our Little shinny Star ? and to our Beautiful Irene?Because it is your passion and Little Belle’s Magic fund,you will find your gift on your fundraising page.? This is the most beautiful fund I have ever seen and done with love❤️ Beautiful stories for every baby,videos?details on the fund ,address,birthday….? You are Read More

Dear Irene and Dear Little Belle

Despite these dark times, congratulations with your birthday most beloved Irene. Dear Belle, you are ALWAYS with us. Love, Robert Read More

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