
Update about my book

I receive a lot of questions about my book lately… so nice! 🙂  I’m sorry I kept you all waiting so long for a new update. Somehow, it was pretty busy last month. Irene and I try to write as much as we can, sometimes we have a week where we aren’t able to write much, but other times we can write quite some words!
Oh and there is so much to tell! I think we slightly underestimated the amount of work to write everything down about my and Irene her story…  But wow it’s truly amazing to go back in time together, to think of all the memories we have, some very sad but also a lot of special and beautiful ones.

For example, the last weeks we wrote about Sun (our friend in heaven now ♥ ) who was, before she joined our family, so terribly misunderstood. When she is with us I also describe my feelings and experiences with her. About an adventure on the beach with my friends with a special meaning to Irene. About Noeska her first experiences with her wheelchair and how I saw her swimming with this wonderful invention!
And the last days about Iwan, a very special horse, who had a big impact on Irene her life with who he was. Today was a bit emotional because she had to write about their goodbye which happened unexpectedly 3 years ago.
On the other hand, it’s also beautiful to express thoughts and feelings with words that aren’t always so easy to write down. This also gives space in heart and mind and can bring a smile with all the memories they shared.

I hope you also like to read all the stories about the arrival of my friends in our family and the stories of the ones who passed…
First, I didn’t know if you would find this interesting, maybe you only want to read about me…, but then I realized that all these stories are also a part of who I am and of my life. A very important part! The life with my family and everything we’ve been through, in good and bad times. The grief that we share, the joy and love that we share  ♥

And who doesn’t want a book with a lot more pages! 🙂

Belle About my Book

/ Little Belle

So many beautiful donations for my Birthday Fund!

For my 17th Birthday on May 5th, 2016, I created a special Birthday Fund and it turned out to be more special than I could ever imagine…  Read more here !


/ Little Belle

My 17th birthday

On May 5th I turned 17 years old! A true miracle ♥

I received so many beautiful birthday wishes via my Facebook page, my website and birthday cards, amazing! I am deeply touched by all your love for me and my family. Thank you from our hearts ♥


My special birthday fund will be closed today. We are overwhelmed by the incredible amount of money that has been donated… So very heartwarming! Thank you, not only from me, but also from the dogs in need we’re going to help!



/ Little Belle

A special fund for my 17th Birthday

On May 5th is my birthday, a very special day, because then I will be 17 years old! Because I like to do something special for my Birthday I created this fund, it will be the most special and beautiful gift that I could wish for my 17th Birthday!

See description:  Little Belle’s 17th Birthday Fund

/ Little Belle

Stefan is home!

Yesterday, Friday, February 19th, Stefan arrived at our home, his forever family! It was in already in the evening when he arrived, so we met each other in the horse stable, there we had light and warmth. The first meeting went very well, everyone was very gentle and was exploring the new situation on their own way. Some were smelling on the ground, others were watching from a distance or doing their own things. I was close to Irene and I smelled Stefan nearby. He smelled at me too and it felt okay, I think he is very soft.

Inside Stefan stayed the whole time nearby his wheelchair, the one thing that is known to him. He did not dare to lie in the soft basket. Irene sat down next to the basket and told him a story about us and how we all love the soft basket. She touched it with her hand, felt the softness and after a while he got curious and came closer and finally he lay down. And then…. went to sleep ♥



/ Little Belle
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