
Dearest angel

Dearest Angel
I saw you for the first time and you kidnapped my heart
Your human mother saved you from suffering and you were able to enjoy happy years
I gladly leave a message in your memory because I understand deeply that we must learn from the dogs their infinite patience, simplicity and the ability to love unconditionally. I love all your pictures and i hope your page on facebook will live forever.

I miss you…

Dear Little Belle. I want to tell you thank you for all the times you made my days brighter. I am writing this tribute with tears in my eyes. I miss you Little Belle. I have your calendar hung above my desk so that I can see you all the time. Pray for us dear angel. I love you alot. I will never forget you my love.


Lil Belle always made me smile! She makes my heart happy! She is such an inspiration to me! She suffered for many long years until she found love with Irene. Belle learned to love, to trust, and to live! She lost her sight but became stronger still! Her strength makes me want to be a better person! What I’ve learned from Belle is to be brace, and love with your whole soul! Happy birthday sweet girl, and to you Irene! Thank you for loving Belle and all those you bring into your home! A true inspiration!

Lovely Inspirational Little Belle

You mean the word to so many people for simple reasons. You came through many difficult years and your goodness still shone through. You stand for hope that things get better. You stand for an appreciation of what is under our noses and we need a reminder to see it every now and then. You stand for love being the most important and precious thing we have in life. Happy birthday darling girl. You are so loved and cherished. Carol (a big fan) xxxxxx

Little Belle

Are you surprised at how many fans around the world have followed Little Belle and have been so moved by her story?

Dear Irene and Little Belle

Dear Irene and Little Belle,,,Little Belle, may you have a wonderful first Birthday at Rainbow Bridge. Remember to place your paw on your Mommy Irene’s heart and soul many times each and every day,,,she needs you now more than ever, especially today. Know that I and the world grieves for the both of you each and every day❤️?❤️?❤️?


So special

Little Belle you have been one of sources of  inspiration.  You modeled being grateful and appreciative in everything you have done. Thank you thank you thank you.


What does Little Belle mean to me…she is hope. Hope for a tomorrow where animals of all kinds are treated with respect.

How does she inspire me…her perseverance in the face of cruelty gives me faith that all will be right in this world if we  all continue to inspire change in the lives of animals

What does she teach me…that no matter how small the change it can affect so so many.

Which picture of her touches me the most…the above photo because I see the love between the two of you so clearly shining through.

What quote touches me the most…We are all sentient beings. Why? Because bringing awareness to light can bring change.

What would I like to say to her…In the short time I followed you and your family I realized how a small dog can capture my heart and hold it forever. Enjoy all the wonderful things heaven has to offer and keep one eye on the pearly gates for you and Irene will be together again. ?

Love you

Lieve, kleine, Little Belle met je hondenhartje zo sterk als staal maar aan de binnenkant van zuiver goud!! Een hele fijne verjaardag daar op je groene weide aan de mooie kleuren van je regenboog. Nooit meer kou, bang, pijn….Wacht daar maar rustig op je baasje!! Blaas al je kaarsjes maar uit en doe maar een mooie wens.

Je hebt je gouden nestje meer dan dik verdiend. Je hebt geleden en je hebt gestreden…Maar nooit heb je opgegeven of ben je verloren. Je zou een groot voorbeeld kunnen zijn voor heel wat mensen hier op aarde.

Ik kijk in ieder geval enorm naar je op: je wilskracht, je eeuwige glimlach op je snuitje, je doorzettingsvermogen en … steeds je geloof dat alles wel zou goed komen, je kracht om nog te geloven in het goede….

Little Belle, de wereld was net iets mooier met jou erbij….Maar alle herinneringen die je achterlaat houden jouw spirit levend en wel.

Een hele gelukkige verjaardag meid. Ik hou van jou!!!

You touched my heart

Little Belle – your story touched my heart the first time I saw it and I have been following you ever since. I, like your momma Irene, love my dogs more than anything. I want all animals to be rescued and freed from harm and to know love. You had been through so much already by the time you were rescued and then with your surgeries and your blindness, you continued to be a beautiful and happy light in this world (thanks to Irene for helping you “see” the all the beauty when you could not). Like you, my dog Sasha lost her eyes and she too sees beauty in the world like you did. You continue to fill this world with love and you and Irene have made our hearts more open and more full of love. I love you, Little Belle. Until we meet again…

Kristy xo


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