Little Belle
Little Belle
There once was a dog named Little Belle
A soul with a heart of gold
Such a wonder, such a spirit
And her story must be told
Poor little one was treated cruelly
No freedom, no care, no affection
Suffering at the hands of an inhumane human
Who offered no warmth or protection
She brought forth life but gave up her own
And endured many years of pain
All so that someone could profit from her
And sell her babies for gain
But the heart of a warrior beat within
And Sweet Belle’s hope never died
God had another plan for her
And was about to turn the tide
Miles away lived another sweet soul
Irene had much love to give
She opened her heart and opened her arms
And on that day Belle started to live
The two would become inseparable
With a bond that grew ever stronger
And empty places within their hearts
Filled with love, and were empty no longer
Stormy weather was still to come
When Little Belle’s world grew dark
Irene would become her guiding light
So Belle could shine like a star
Together they had adventures
Belle loved the smell of the sea
And the suns warmth upon her face
It was wonderful to be so free!
To know Little Belle was to love her
And she made friends near and far
Many shared in her day to day life
It was easy for her to steal hearts
Then it was time to say goodbye
Her time on earth was done
Now she walks on a different shore
But her memory will live on
With brand new eyes she sees the heavens
And on strong legs she runs
She splashes in the clear blue waters
And basks in the warmth of the sun
Her spirit looks down upon us
To gently guide as we mourn
She offers hope and comfort
Because Little Belle has been reborn!
by Annie Mason 2017
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