And then, there she was…
At the moment that I met Little Belle…
I had a hard time. I was heartbroken, and only travelling around the world could bring me some comfort. I cannot say it was a flight from life, as I enjoyed travelling too much for that, but there were a lot of setbacks, and unfortunate things, that needed to be compensated by travelling (which means I wasn’t often at home :)).
And then, there she was… Little Belle. This tiny creature. I don’t even know how she crossed my facebook, as I always try to set my settings as strict as possible, but she had found her way, squirmng herself through the small opening of my facebook, straight into my heart. I’m not the ‘fate’ kind of person, but she was a ‘meant to be’.
I saw her movie, crying. For the pain, for the love, for the beauty, for the simplicity.
When I started following Belles page, it stroke me how easy it seemed to be (it still is, as for me, she’s not gone) to love her, to love Irene, to get love from them. No strings attached, no profit reasons. Friendship and caring were enough. Also Belles friends (Françoise) were so sweet. Effortless, all of them gave me strenght, love, stories, emotions… only nice things to look forward to, every day.
And in the meantime, I met my husband Xavier, got baby Seppe and all the clouds disappeared. A lot has changed in my life, but little Belle, and her stories, and her warmth stayed the same. I kept on following and enjoying her stories, and bought her necklace, for a specific reason: I am grateful, and I wanted her to be a part of my, Xaviers, and Seppes life.
As we (small family) kept travelling, in our yellow fiat 500, named ‘Emmeke’, we hung the necklace on the front mirror, and Belle is dangling there, and travelling with us. I never thought I would ever have to write a tribute to her, as any tribute is inadequate for her. But the day has come, and this is my tribute to her.
Belle, as long as Emmeke is driving, you will travel with us. To work, to Belgium, Holland, France, Spain and even further away… as far as I can bring you. In the meantime you have adopted a seal together with Seppe, who has also been released in a healthy state! I promise you that Seppe will know who you are, as he sees you every day swinging your way around in my tiny car. I promise you that you will never be forgotten, and even though we never met in real, you will always have a special place in my heart, and you will always live.
Dear Belle, thank you. I love you.
Sorry, I forgot to add my name: Mieke xXx
I watched your video on youtube,and it made me cry.First tears of saddness for poor Little Belle,and then of joy,that you found her Irene.I then looked for you on Facebook,and I oved what I found! Both of you just exude LOVE and happiness. From that day on I looked forward to your posts,and garanteed you made me smile everytime,and touched my heart…..Thank-you so much Irene,for taking such good care of precious Little Belle and her siblings,for your warmth and kindness,and for sharing your little Princess with so many people. xxx
Mama van Seppe, zo mooi geschreven en de belofte die je aan Queenie deed, daar ben ik zeker van dat je Seppeke alles over haar zal vertellen. Ze is zo geliefd. Die liefde zal jou Seppe ook voelen als hij wat groter is en het kan begrijpen. Liefs.