Sweet Little Belle
My sweet Little Belle you are an inspiration to so many. You lived a long life and endured so much in your earlier years but you got through it and when you found your mum Irene you blossomed and lived life to the full. You didnt allow your health issues to affect any part of your life with Irene and your loving family. Every time you had a health issue you faced it head on and you overcame it. You may not have seen with eyes but you saw everything through your beautiful heart. You and your mum were as determined as each other to fill your days with love, joy and happiness and you did just that, in abundance. You and mum are truly a very special twosome who have affected so many for the better. You are admired and respected the world over. So many have learned from you Irene, to never give up. To research and question alternative remedies for health issues, to stimulate your furbabies and always put time aside just for them. You are 18 today sweetheart Belle and although you may not be physically visible to your family they know you are with them, just in a different form. They can feel you and know you are right there with them where you belong. One day you will all be together again for all eternity, never to be parted again. Meanwhile you will live on in our hearts and minds. A little girl with a big heart and a great love for life and her devoted mummy Irene. Much love always from your friend in the UK.
Janice Newell Smith.
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