Happy Birthday to Belle and Irene!
- What does Little Belle mean to you? – Little Belle means ‘loved’ to me – she has much and shares so much.
- How does she inspire you? – by never giving up on life, even when situations were difficult for her.
- What does she teach you? – life is precious, never stop caring and never give up – stand fast and give it all you have.
- Which picture of her touches you the most (you can add this one to your message) and why? – This one where Belle is jumping on her sibling – her lively attitude and zest for life can be felt through the photo – her cheeky attitude shining bright like the sun.
- Which words or quotes of her touches you the most and why? “Although I can’t see colors, I can feel them!” – she saw more than most who have perfect vision – she saw and understood love, she made me feel love from across the world.
- What would you like to say to her? – I love you, Happy Birthday and please take care of my pups until I get to heaven. I know you are with God and the best place you could possibly be. Until we meet again, dear, sweet Belle.
I miss you.
Love Rhys
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