The pure of heart
Happy BIRTHDAY dear sweet little Belle. It saddens me that you are no longer walking the beach and the meadows and enjoying the sunshine and all the smells here with us. You have been an inspiration to always keep fighting. You have proven time and time again that the pure of heart will always triumph! From your horrible beginnings at the puppy mill, to losing one eye, to nearly losing your life, to losing your second eye, to your battle with cancer, you are truly show how it’s ok to keep fighting. To never give up. I never thought I could love my dogs more, but you have truly taught me to appreciate every minute we have together. Thank you for that! Rest now sweet Belle. Irene, as horrible and heart breaking as this is for you, remember how special you are! You have Little Belle the best and most special life, full of adventures. She gave you back undying love and loyalty. She will be waiting for you and all of her puppy friends and you will have brand new adventures together!
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