A bond that can never be broken or forgotten
After Benji, my baby of only 12 years passed over the rainbow bridge nearly a year ago it felt like someone had ripped my heart out. He too had many struggles, epilepsy, stomach issues and a broken tooth where surgery was dangerous but with that he gave undeniable unconditional love and trust. He too was brave, strong and always searching out fun and cuddles. His inquisitive nature and gentleness made him my angel and a bond given freely that can never be taken from me. Belle shares all these characteristics and so I too saw a connection with her and Irene that I had felt with Benji. Belle you made my heart soar with pride and joy where you enjoyed every moment possible and offered true compassion and endless love to Irene giving comfort when she wasn’t feeling too well. These connections we make are not as often as people think. They are sometimes taken for granted or ignored but when fully received make a bond that can never be broken or forgotten. With tears streaming down my face I see you and Benji running free. Free from sickness, happy and running free but still waiting patiently, as loyal and loving as ever, until we meet again.
This said with hope, Karen xxx