What Little Belle meant to me
I dont even remember how I stumbled across Little Belles facebook page but I remember seeing her sweet precious face and instantly fell in love. You could see the love on her face that she had for Irene. I instantly became smitten with her!. So I started following Little Belles final journey. I dont know if it was because I have to very precious furbabies of my own that were rescues. One, Bella, was 6 weeks old and was left behind in a closet when her owners moved. No food no water we heard noises coming from the home and found her 2 weeks after they were gone. That was 5 years ago. My other, Lola, belonged to a special needs adult living in a group home who was very very abusive to her. When she came to me it was 2 days before my mom passed and she was scared to death wouldnt come out of her kennel and hid. The day my mom passed she came out of the kennel and went to me and laid her head on my lap. That was 4 uears ago.
Little Belle gave me hope seeing her on her adventures and seeing the love she still had after her rough first part of her life. She showed me that there are people out there like me that their furbabies are more than just a pet or something that can be discarded if they grow tired of them.
When I read that it was time to say good bye to little Belle my heart broke and I cried. I wouldny even look at her page for the first few days. It felt as if I lost a family member a loved one. She touched my heart and when I would have a day that I thought I couldnt go on one of her post would show up on my newsfeed. I would just look at her face and say to myself if this tiny baby can make it through all she has so can I, and I would get up and try again. Little Belle I know you crossed that rainbow bridge and will be patiently waitng for the day your momma is there with you. I just want you to know you touched the life of this lady in Kansas City and I will always keep that with me in my heart.
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