What I would say to Little Belle…
Dearest Little Belle,
Just as your heart is aching so badly for your mother’s touch, so is her heart aching for your touch. Although you are healthy and free from the pains of your earthly body, right now I know you feel empty and lost without your mom, as she feels empty and lost without you.
As the ache in your heart diminishes, you will start to smile again because the ache will be replaced by the warmth and memories of all the good times you shared with your mom. Certainly, now and again the tears will fall and well they should; however, those times will be fewer as the smiles and warmth grow. You will be able to snuggle up for a nap and feel your mom beside you, holding and caring for you like she always has and always will.
You are in a beautiful place full of much loved pets who had to leave their moms and dads long before you had to leave yours. Let them be your guide and playmates and before you know it, you will look over the green fields one day and see with two bright, clear eyes a very familiar, beautiful, loving woman running your way with her arms outstretched ready to scoop you up and hold you close to her heart again.
In the meantime, remember when you lay your head down to rest or wade in a lovely pond or watch a butterfly or sniff a flower feel fully with your heart and you will find your mom there by your side stroking your head and speaking softly in your ear. She will do the same back here on earth for you now live in each other’s hearts.
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