The brightest star
Little Belle you meant so much to me I too have a special little one who had been so badly beaten he has been left with brain damage and epilepsy he also is now going blind but again like you he’s Happy and loving because of you Belle so many people now consider helping animals with special needs your beautiful sweet face made me smile every day your adventures with Irene and your family was all I needed if I had a bad day you were so tiny but you had the heart of a lion
I believe Belle that you are running free and wild
My mother who dedicated her life to saving Animals went over the rainbow bridge I can just imagine her reaction when she saw you!.. dont let her squeeze you too tight!
My darling Belle your story will live on as you touched so so many people around the world your magic changed so many lives
Please watch over Irene she is the most wonderful mum she shared you with us but she is the only one in your heart
I would have so loved to have met you and Irene I would of loved you to have met Newt he would of adored you
Thank you Belle for blessing us with you
Thank you Irene for sharing Belle
Zita & Newt xx
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