Sweet Little Belle
Irene and Little Belle Happy Birthday! I know this is a hard one for you without Little Belle in your arms. But she is still with you in your heart and you know one day you will be together. I am sure she will guide you to many more beautiful babies for you to save and love. I don’t know if you are also friends with Harley https://www.facebook.com/groups/VOTEforHarley/?hc_ref=SEARCH. This little guy was like Belle and won over many hearts on facebook. He lost an eye when he was in a puppy mill when they sprayed it down they knocked his eye out. He found his forever mommy and daddy and the love shown thru. It took a lot of healing when Harley passed away. Then they somehow connected to another little one Ferdinand who had a damaged eye and could of been Harleys twin. No doubt Harley guided them. I know Belle will be guiding you also. The love between you two was amazing to watch on facebook. Thank you for sharing that with all of us. I do hope you keep the page going and update us on how you are doing and the many loves that will come into your life. I pray God helps your hurt go away quickly…..love to you and Little Belle. Kathy
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