Inspiration to live in the moment and live life to the max
Dear Little Belle,
I had only just discovered your Instagram account when you, very shory after, passed away. I followed you as I enjoyed reading how you still enjoyed life and embraced opportunities, despite the loss of your sight. You always appeared calm and happy. For a dog who had spent so much of her life confined, in a puppy mill you lived a relatively good length of life after and it was so pleasing to see that you got the chance to experience things you’d never had the chance to do. You got to do what so many dogs in similar circumstances don’t and you made the most of it. An inspiring, humble, little dog who was courageous and strong to the end. I wish you could have made this birthday, but not mean to be. Rest well little one x
ps me fave pic is one of you with lots of friends, showing that despite all that life through at you you were a sociable adventurous little spirit.
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