I will miss you always and forever
I was so sad about Little Belle going to the rainbow bridge. I just lost my Dallas on February 12. He was my best friend. It was so hard the first few weeks. Little Belle helped me through it. Little Belle had been shared on my Dallas’ Last Journey page. That cute little face just pulled me in. I read and watched the photos every day and it helped me through. I had just came back from the Netherlands a few months before and oh, how I wished I could have went to visit her. Then I found your address to send a birthday card and donation and found that you lived on Langereis Straat. One of my Dutch side is named Langereis. Now it was extra special like you were close to my family. Maybe the straat/street was named after my family and Little Belle lived there. I loved all the photos by the tulips. I love flowers and they are so beautiful but Little Belle was the beautiful part. I always felt she loved the peacefulness. I wrote a post on one of your posts. Many many people liked it and I figured there were way too many posts for you to read. I know when I got so many posts on Dallas’ page it got very hard. So I would like to add that post here in hopes that you read it. Love you and Little Belle and thanks for giving her a good life. Debbie Howard – my post is added below.
Dallas told me that he met Little Belle at the rainbow bridge. She found him because she can see now. He gave her a hug and she felt safe with him. He said she is pain free now like he is. He knew how much she liked tulips and the water so they are going to go down by the rainbow bridge to splash and play by the water and smell the tulips. He couldn’t talk long because she was tugging on him to go play.
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