Happy Birthday Wishes for Two Beautiful Angels?
I miss seeing your sweet, loveable face Little Belle. My world was brighter, my heart smiled with each magical adventure we got to experience with you and Irene. I fell in love immediately with your warrior spirit? I believe you taught me to live life, enjoy each moment, smell the ocean, flowers, to feel sand between your toes, enjoy warm breezes and sunshine, and to Snuggle tight to that one who makes your whole world brighter? So many emotions, never has one beautiful Angel touched my soul as you have. The picture I chose made my heart smile as both you and Irene have a smile full of love? Please know I will never forget such a special girl???
Irene , Your are an angel here on earth. I wish only for your heart to heal, and a time when your heart can smile again with thoughts of your angel Little Belle?
Much love,
Doe George/
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