So many emotions…
What can I say about Little Belle? Your story has stirred so many emotions within me. My loathing of those who caused you suffering runs deep. However, when Irene rescued you, the story takes a very different path. Your wounds began to heal, your heart began to know love and your spirit felt free. I cannot tell you how special it has been following your life with Irene and your family in Holland. The frequent photographs you’ve shared with us has touched thousands of lives across the globe. How just one little dog could spread so much love and hope is quite remarkable. Irene, as I write these words, my face wet with tears, please know my heart is still breaking for you. Belle was so special, so beautiful, so brave and now she is missed so very much. I will never forget her. Her story will never be forgotten. Rest easy beautiful Belle- you were loved by thousands, as is your lovely mum Irene. My love always, Emma. xxx
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